Words from my keyboard

About Me
Welcome to my website. I am 68. I have a gorgeous wife Annie and two beautiful sons; I love to write. I am a retired teacher, lapsed Waterstones’ bookseller and former Basketball Coach. I taught for twenty years and coached women’s basketball for over thirty years before taking up writing seriously. These days, I regularly teach at creative writing workshops in and around Leicester and I take notes for students with Special Needs at Leicester University and the University of Warwick.
I have always loved books and reading, but nine years at Waterstone’s nearly put paid to that! I love to write poetry. I feel this is the best way to show emotion in writing and it gives me a wonderful sense of well-being.
I’ve had a work commissioned by the UK Arts Council and had several pieces published traditionally as well as on-line.
I have had some of my work placed in magazines and anthologies and also exhibited in art galleries, studios, museums and at Huddersfield Railway Station Waiting Room.
Poppy Flowers at the Front
Poppy Flowers at the Front Poppy first met Élodie Proux by the side of a sunken road near Lebeuvrière in Northern France a mile or so from the Dressing Station near the Front. Her face was battered and bruised. She was huddled under a blood-soaked nurses’ cape holding...
Words from my keyboard
Jon Wilkins